Saturday, March 28, 2009

Weigh in Day

Wohoo! I was down 1.4 today for a total of 16.6 pounds lost so far. I was expecting a slight gain because of the new work out I've been doing that includes more muscle building. Push ups and weight lifting mixed with cardio. At this rate, I will hit my goal of wanting to lose 20 pounds by the end of April. Now I hope to exceed that!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Weigh in Day

I will preface this by saying that i've felt pretty cruddy most of the week finally went to the doctor yesterday. Just as I suspected, I have strep throat. I didn't feel like eating but knew that I needed to get my points in each day so I stuck with it. I only got the exercise 3 times and that was earlier in the week but when i did it, i gave 100%.

I'm down 2.4 this week for a total of 15.2 pounds lost after 12 full weeks on the program. I know that some of that weight is catch up weight from last week. I started last week so I was probably retaining a little bit of water. I'm excited about the results and this loss will help give me more momentum. I can do this, I WILL do this, and when I finally reach my goal weight it will be sweet, sweet victory!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wacky News

I've underlined the key phrase in this one.

AMARILLO, Texas (AP) -- Police used DNA to identify a man whose head was found three years ago in the back of a city garbage truck.
The remainder of Kevin Thomas Walsh's body still hasn't been found but police hope that knowing more about his background may provide clues about his death. Walsh's family provided DNA samples for matching.
Police continue to investigate Walsh's death as suspicious.
In late March 2006, a city worker saw a head in the back of a garbage truck and called police. Walsh, 39, was homeless when he was arrested March 9, 2006, for shoplifting. He was released from jail seven days later.

My comments:

So you think that his death "might" be suspicious? As if the man has cut his own head off and placed it in a random trash bin? OBVIOUSLY someone else has done this and this shouldn't be considered suspicious, it's homicide!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weigh in Day- ick!

SO after 2 full weeks, and a total of 11 weeks on the program, I got on the scale this morning. It said -.8. I was looking for a bigger number than that. I was hoping for a bigger number than that. I worked out hard core to get a bigger number than that. BUT, that was the number. And I'm okay with it. I took a moment to be angry (very brief) and then realized, I'm still losing weight. I've consistently lost weight since I started in January. I'm now down 12.8 pounds.

That number will grow! Since I didn't weigh in last week, I have no idea what the number would've been so I can't keep dwelling on that. All I know is that this last week I've followed the plan to a T, I've worked out harder than I have since I started, and I feel great! I may have gained some muscle when doing my jogging sprints. Who knows?! -.8 is a good reminder that what I'm doing is working and even though I want it to move along faster, it's going to do it's own thing. I've just got to be sure to be true to myself and to this program to see the results.

Go me!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I feel good- dunna nunna nunna na

I hope you sang the title of this blog when you read it or else I'll feel like an idiot!

But really, I DO feel good and it's so refreshing to write that. It's March now and so far this has been a great year! Of course there have been some down times, there always will be, but the positive definitely out weighs the negative. I'm stress free, drama free, there's less of me, and I'm where I want to be. That's my motto this year! I've got a job that I actually enjoy, i've got the best hubby EVER, wonderful friends that celebrate the highs and are there for the lows, i've hit some personal goals, and I couldn't be happier right now.

The rest of this year brings the purchase of our first home which will eventually lead us in to entertaining the idea of children in the not so distant future. It will also bring the enjoyment of having a place we can call our own and since I LOVE to plan, it will give me something to plan towards! Brandon starts his new job on Monday and with that comes less stress on him which also helps me. We've been walking/jogging together at night and I've come to love that time together. Sure, we can talk about the same stuff sitting on the couch but knowing that we're doing something good for ourselves at the same time makes it feel better.

So you know what, I DO feel good and I'm thrilled to say it! I'm sure I'll write when I don't feel good too!