Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I feel good- dunna nunna nunna na

I hope you sang the title of this blog when you read it or else I'll feel like an idiot!

But really, I DO feel good and it's so refreshing to write that. It's March now and so far this has been a great year! Of course there have been some down times, there always will be, but the positive definitely out weighs the negative. I'm stress free, drama free, there's less of me, and I'm where I want to be. That's my motto this year! I've got a job that I actually enjoy, i've got the best hubby EVER, wonderful friends that celebrate the highs and are there for the lows, i've hit some personal goals, and I couldn't be happier right now.

The rest of this year brings the purchase of our first home which will eventually lead us in to entertaining the idea of children in the not so distant future. It will also bring the enjoyment of having a place we can call our own and since I LOVE to plan, it will give me something to plan towards! Brandon starts his new job on Monday and with that comes less stress on him which also helps me. We've been walking/jogging together at night and I've come to love that time together. Sure, we can talk about the same stuff sitting on the couch but knowing that we're doing something good for ourselves at the same time makes it feel better.

So you know what, I DO feel good and I'm thrilled to say it! I'm sure I'll write when I don't feel good too!

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