Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weigh in Day- ick!

SO after 2 full weeks, and a total of 11 weeks on the program, I got on the scale this morning. It said -.8. I was looking for a bigger number than that. I was hoping for a bigger number than that. I worked out hard core to get a bigger number than that. BUT, that was the number. And I'm okay with it. I took a moment to be angry (very brief) and then realized, I'm still losing weight. I've consistently lost weight since I started in January. I'm now down 12.8 pounds.

That number will grow! Since I didn't weigh in last week, I have no idea what the number would've been so I can't keep dwelling on that. All I know is that this last week I've followed the plan to a T, I've worked out harder than I have since I started, and I feel great! I may have gained some muscle when doing my jogging sprints. Who knows?! -.8 is a good reminder that what I'm doing is working and even though I want it to move along faster, it's going to do it's own thing. I've just got to be sure to be true to myself and to this program to see the results.

Go me!!


  1. just remember, a negative number is still a loss and that is a good thing!!!!

  2. I totally agree! A negative is a negative! :) You keep workin it girl!!
